So I'm having trouble with Internet connection last night. Basically, pages are sporadically not loading up. I recently installed a wireless router, so I thought I'd plug the computer directly back into the modem. Reset the modem - still no Internet. So, I thought I'd boot into my Ubuntu partition to see if it's an OS issue. Same issue in Ubuntu. Okay, so it must be something to do with the modem. I reset it once more to no avail before I try Rogers Technical Support.
After the ridiculously slow voice-activated menu system "Okay, Technical Support for hi-speed Internet. Did you mean Blackberry, Wireless, Hi-Speed..." (I kid you not) I get through to someone.
"Hi, I'm having a problem with my Internet connection. My computer won't receive a network address from the modem."
"Ohay sir (
for some reason he said 'okay' like this*) can I ask what version of Windows you have?"
"Oh, I'm in Ubuntu Linux."
"Ohay sir, we actually don't support that Operating System."
"Um, okay. I could start into my XP partition then." (I didn't want to get into a fight about it.)
"Ohay, could I ask that you do that then?"
So I started the long process of rebooting into Windows. During the 5-minute process (I have a lot of crap that loads automatically. I want it all to load, but it takes a long time) I get asked about 10 times "Ohay, have you rebooted yet?" to which I responded "Still waiting. I'll let you know when it's booted up."
So finally, I tell him I'm booted up, and it's still not receiving an IP address from the modem.
"Ohay sir, I'm pinging your modem and the communication is fine to it. Can you try unplugging your modem for 10 seconds, then plugging it back in."
So I did this, and this time, for some reason it works. It may have been that I didn't leave it off for enough time last time.
So my question is, why could this problem not be resolved in Linux? Unplugging the modem and plugging it back in? Could he not at least have tried that option while in Linux? Pity Joe Consumer who bought a cheap Linux box from Walmart, or Ubuntu pre-installed from Dell, only to find out that Rogers won't even try to help him with his Internet connection.
So finally, I ask him what he thinks the problem might have been.
"Do you have a firewall?"
"No, I have Windows Firewall turned off."
"Ohay, well I think you might have a firewall."
"No, there's only one, and it's turned off. And I had the same problem in two OS's, which leads me to think it's not an OS issue."
"I think you might have a virus."
"But it was the same problem in Linux. How could I have the same virus in Windows and Linux? You know how almost impossible it is to even get a virus in Linux?"
"You never know these days, sir."
I really didn't feel like fighting him. He has his job to do, whatever.
But Rogers: you suck. As soon as I can find a reasonably priced alternative ISP, I'm gone. It's just a matter of time.
*About the 'ohay' in case anyone's wondering. He was a native English speaker - I'm not trying to make fun of another culture or anything. I just believe that this 'ohay' was his own annoying little 'thing'.